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Held twice a year (spring and fall) for fifth grade students, Inspire Day gives kids a chance to learn a range of educational skills including agriculture, science, social studies and environmental science. Dr. Borlaug was passionate about the importance of education and so is the NBHF!

Inspire Day

“Our elementary schooling was a preparation for life not for academic achievement.”
Dr. Norman Borlaug 


Be Inspired To Be Like Norm!

Starting the Day with the Pledge

Wheat Plant

1st time MN school attends Spring Inspire Day 2024!

Pledge of Allegiance
One room school
Wheat lesson from U of MN
Wheat lesson from U of MN
Norm'l life
Norm'l life
Students learning about Prairie pollinators
Food packaging
Food packaging
Food packaging

Kasson-Mantorville 5th grade students become first MN schools to attend a Borlaug Inspire Days

Wheat Plant

Spring Inspire Day 2024

Pledge of Allegiance
One room school
One room school
Team Building
Team Building
'Norm'l life
'Norm'l life
Butter Making
Prairie Walk
Prairie Walk
Storybook Walk
Food Packaging
Food Packaging

Spring Inspire Sessions Conducted by Luther College Education Students

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